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Lily’s Landscaping


When its the best time to plant?

Winter is A great time to plant trees, whether you plant a few fruit trees to add colorful blossoms and delicious fruit to your home.

How much water does your lawn need?

The basic rule of thumb is that a lawn in the areas will need between 1 and 2 inches of water every week.However ,this also requires that the water reach a total depth of 6 inches into the earth.Additionally,the exact number largely depends on the type of grass you have in you

Proper Fall Season Tree Pruning For Your Trees.

Many of you may think that your trees here in as sturdy and strong plants that can survive in extreme weather out any complications or problem. While it may be true to certain extent, your trees also require some special care during the fall and winter months as well.

Pruning is an important aspect of tree care during this period. It can help create strong, healthy, and attractive plants during the warm spring and summer months.

How to Add Beauty To Your Fall Garden.

Fall in is one of the most beautiful times of the year. The cold breeze and fallen leaves add a certain natural charm to the season. While some may not appreciate the amount of time you need to spend cleaning up the yard during this season, little hard work can do wonders to the appearance of your yard.Time spent your outdoor landscape now can also protect your plants, trees and lawn during the upcoming cold winter months.Taking care of the plants during fall can prepare them for a great growing season during spring and summer.

Monthly Landscape calendar-October.

As the season changes from summer and we move into fall, now is an excellent time for some cooler weather planting. Shrubs,perennials,trees as well as all sorts of fall vegetables can be planted at this time of the year.October is also when should prepare our yards for the potentially cold weather that lies ahead. whether its reseeding or filling in large areas with new turf, a little work in the fall will go a long way in the spring growing season.

How do you know what is the best sod for your lawn?

There are fewer options that are more effective at turning your yard into something stunning than sod.By placing the right sod on your property you will give yourself an instant lawn and avoid the long,difficult process of spreading seed and waiting for it to grow.However ,not all sod is right for the area and it is important that you take the time to find the best sod for you lawn.